25+ Top Star Wars Races
Pics. 15 most powerful races, ranked. Like most tabletops, the star wars rpg lets you choose both a character race and class, further fleshing out your specs by having you select feats and talents.
Back in the day if you wanted to identify a nerd all you had to do is ask about star wars and they would all turn to you asking what you want to know.
The arcade racer that accompanied the the phantom menace film, star wars episode i: You're first introduced to swoop racing on taris, where you must win the annual swoop gang race between the hidden beks and the black vulkars to complete the search for bastila. Here is a twi'lek race but i can't say the same about togruta. I decided to mostly go for creatures often overlooked, to hopefully help a few more fans enjoy the sheer diversity and inventiveness of them.